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Executive Director's Corner


by Julie Fitzpatrick

At this seasonal time, I would like to take a moment to express my personal note of gratitude to our community members, managers, board and committee members, partner organizations, and local leaders throughout the commonwealth, and especially the Pennsylvania Downtown Center board of directors and staff members.

This past year has been challenging for everyone in a variety of ways, professionally and personally, balancing work and life responsibilities. Staying on top of the latest regulations or funding opportunities for your own organization can be exhausting on its own, not to mention the added pressure of working to stay positive and encouraging to your local business community, all while continuing to be that resource that the community-at-large has come to expect from you and your program.

Hopefully, each one of you will be able to take at least a few precious moments for yourself to step back and reflect on the difference you have made in your community this year. My guess is… you probably don’t hear it enough – so thank you. Thank you for the countless hours of pouring over spreadsheets, and online applications to keep your businesses afloat. Thank you for all of those conference and video calls to keep your board and organization informed of the latest updates. Thank you for caring, for listening, for lending a helping hand, and for your empathy. Thank you for being a steadfast champion for YOUR place/town/city/business district/neighborhood/businesses/residents – YOUR community!

This is usually the time of year when for many of us the usual hustle and bustle, and celebratory holiday chaos of shopping and decorating, party going, baking, cooking, creating, and preparing for overnight guests kicks in. We’re often preoccupied with finding the latest toy or gadget or making that unique handmade item, all in hopes of surprising our loved ones with that special gift under the tree. This year, we’re distracted with being responsive to reinventing activities, dealing with new issues, and concerns over friends and family, while managing things like end of year deadlines and attempting to figure out how next month’s payroll will be paid.

Please know, you are not alone. More than likely, whatever you are dealing with, there is someone else in our PDC community who is as well. However, we know that we are stronger together. We are more resilient, creative, and resourceful when we reach out to others and put our heads together to find common solutions. We have learned to not take situations for granted. We have learned that whatever was, is not guaranteed to be. We have learned to be grateful for our situations, friends, and family. We will get through this, and hopefully come out on the other side stronger, kinder, and wiser than before.

2020 is coming to an end, and we know 2021 will not magically be back to “normal”. We look forward to seeing one another again, learning and leaning on one another, and being able to chat and commiserate face-to-face once again in the not-too-distant future. Until then, be well and stay safe.

For anyone who might be looking for some extra inspiration to prepare us for the next few months – here are a few tools (books, blogs, etc.) that I’m finding extra encouraging:

by Anu Partanen

by Priya Parker

(You may be thinking it seems counter intuitive to think about gathering while we’re in a pandemic, but you would be surprised!)

by Thomas Moore

(This is my favorite of his, but all of his titles are worthwhile reads!)

Anything by Seth Godin – his blog is especially insightful

Holstee – Inspiration and tools

to help you live a more meaningful life.

(If you decide to join, use discount code “padowntown”

for 15% off membership)


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