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Main Street is a Place for All

by Julie Fitzpatrick

So, this is my very first Executive Director Corner. As of July 1, 2019, PDC’s beloved executive director, Bill Fontana, stepped into a new role as Director of Strategic Initiatives, and I stepped into the role of Pennsylvania Downtown Center’s current executive director. Bill’s plan is to focus on policies and procedures, advocacy and continued technical assistance, while slowly decreasing his hours until his planned full retirement in July 2021. But, in the meantime he will continue to provide insight and thought-provoking topics of discussion for the rest of us to ponder.

As I’ve had a few months to work into my new position, I feel a tremendous amount of responsibility in leading our dedicated, loyal, and supportive staff into this next phase of our organization. I am also incredibly grateful for the support that I’ve received from our board of directors and membership partners. I truly value the relationships we’ve worked to build in my first fifteen years with PDC and hope that we continue strengthening existing ones as we’re continually working to develop new ties.

PDC cannot do it alone, we exist to support you and the work you do every day on the frontline, in our towns, cities, and neighborhoods. The work we all do is important work for our communities, and although we often can’t see the immediate impact, as our work is often incremental, I feel fortunate that I’ve been around long enough to see the positive changes. Your work is evolving, and we at PDC need to stay relevant and responsive to those needs. How do we do that?

Clearly, there are issues that impact each of our neighborhoods and business districts, such as our changing demographics, the ever-changing face of retail, our aging communities, the need for greater private investment, and a variety of social issues that we all face. Then, there are issues that some more than others are faced with, the plight of blight, apathetic attitudes, displacement, and a true socioeconomic divide.

Some of these issues are true threats to our communities, yet others are opportunities for us to stop, assess, and take control in rewriting the narratives of the places we call home. This is the work of community development, an opportunity to step up, have a say, and move the needle in the direction that we decide.

I am humbled and honored to lead the Pennsylvania Downtown Center into this next phase of the organization. I anticipate some bumps along the way, and I invite you to join us as we navigate them together. Consider joining a PDC committee and always feel free to share your ideas with me or anyone else from the staff. We are here for you, helping you make your town a better place.


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