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Reading Shines Bright

Updated: Dec 19, 2018

adapted from submission by Carl Brown

This year, we asked our member communities to submit their holiday event that showcases community pride and/or community engagement. We're proud to announce our winner for this year's #PACheerisHere campaign is Downtown Reading, with their holiday parade!

Photo Credit Reading Eagle

The Reading Holiday Parade is not just a parade – it’s a treasured tradition in the Berks County community. Each year, the parade is hosted by the Reading Downtown Improvement District in partnership with the City of Reading. Held for decades in downtown Reading, the annual parade draws thousands of spectators and participants. Being part of this holiday extravaganza is something that many local groups and organizations look forward to each year. Strutting their stuff along the two-mile parade route are high school bands; businesses that construct elaborate, colorful floats; Scouting troops and other youth groups; civic organizations; dance troupes; sports organizations; car enthusiasts; and more. Also participating are police and fire departments from throughout the county, as well as local and state dignitaries.

Partnering with the Reading Downtown Improvement District for this event is Berks Community Television (BCTV), a non-profit organization that is committed to providing live and videotaped programming on cable TV and on its website that is produced and hosted by people in the Berks County community. BCTV videotapes the entire parade and shows it several times during the holiday season, attracting thousands of viewers.

Another significant partner is the Reading Eagle newspaper. This daily publication provides free full-page advertisements to help promote the parade, and always participates in the event with a float and dozens of employees.

Photos Credit Reading Eagle

"To say the Reading Holiday Parade is highly anticipated each year would be an understatement. It attracts people of all ages and backgrounds and from all corners of the community."

This year's parade showcased the theme, "Shine Bright, Reading," as a nod to the strides the community has made, and continues to make, since it had been tagged as one of the poorest cities in the nation. And shine Reading certainly does during this festive day! Among the parade participants is the Reading Eagle Company, who was honored this year as one of the Grand Marshals, alongside the Reading Hospital, as both institutions celebrate their 150 year milestone in the community. The Reading Eagle's float depicted a small museum, complete with old desks, typewriters and newspapers from long ago, showcasing the fundamental role they have played in the Berks County community for decades as a reliable media source.

Charles Broad, Executive Director of Downtown Reading, said more than 2,000 participants took part in the parade this year. Included in the lineup were several high school marching bands, numerous floats, large inflatable balloons, civic and community organizations, and several dignitaries.

1 Comment

Dec 20, 2018

Congratulations the Holiday parade in Reading,Pa

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