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Recognizing Our Designated Main Street & Elm Street Programs


by Mary Tate

As 2020 comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and recognize the designated Main Street and Elm Street programs, managers, and staff who have tirelessly and creatively responded to the needs of their communities.

Each program has succeeded in being a steadfast place to turn for business owners, neighbors, employees, and community partners. Just as we as individuals have experienced the ups and downs of this unprecedented time, our programs have gone through a similar experience. Civil unrest, financial insecurity, language barriers, social service concerns, closures, and cancellations have all been sources of anxiety, and yet, I have witnessed a perseverance and adaptability that is admirable and noteworthy. Despite the above obstacles, micro-grants have been distributed, CARES Act money secured, public spaces created, events held, farmers’ markets continued, businesses opened, e-commerce platforms developed, streetscapes designed, newsletters launched, food distributed, music played, murals depicted, and relationships strengthened. Thank you to the listed programs for your dedication and commitment!

Downtown Bedford Inc.

Castle Shannon Revitalization Corporation

Danville Business Alliance

Erie Downtown Partnership

Main Street Gettysburg

Downtown Hazelton Alliance for Progress

Lansdowne Economic Development Corporation

Downtown Lebanon

Mt. Lebanon Partnership

Oil City Main Street

SACA – SE Lancaster Elm Street Movement

The Enterprise Center - 52nd Street Commercial Corridor

Wilkes-Barre Diamond City Partnership

Keystone Community Main Street and Elm Street Designation is granted by the Department of Community and Economic Development for a five-year period. The list reflects the current designated communities to date. It should be noted, however, that several programs exited their five-year designation during 2020. Their efforts and successes do not go unrecognized nor do those of our entire Pennsylvania network of revitalization organizations.

If your community or organization is interested in exploring designation, please reach out to PDC for more information.

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